Die TYPO3-Experten

Code711 ist ein Zusammenschluss von IT-Begeisterten und TYPO3-Experten der Agenturen 12bis3 und Sudhaus7. Hier wird jahrelanges Wissen geballt, gefördert, weiterentwickelt und mit der Community geteilt. Alle Blogs und Beiträge zu unseren Entwicklungen und Aktivitäten finden Sie hier!

The TYPO3 experts

Code711 is an association of IT enthusiasts and TYPO3 experts from the agencies 12bis3 and Sudhaus7. Years of knowledge are concentrated here, promoted, further developed and shared with the community. All blogs and posts about our developments and activities can be found here!


Embeddings - the lesser known hero of AI

Essentially, embeddings are points in a multi-dimensional space, represented as vectors. They encode both semantic and contextual information of a word, phrase, or text, making them highly significant in AI and language processing.
