Embeddings - the lesser known hero of AI

TYPO3 Developer Days 2024

Frank Berger

A bit about me

  • Frank Berger
  • Head of Engineering at sudhaus7.de, a label of the B-Factor GmbH, member of the code711.de network
  • Started as an Unix Systemadministrator who also develops in 1996
  • Does TYPO3 since 2005

What is an Embedding?

A point in multi-dimensional space, described by a vector

Mathematically represent characteristics and meaning of a word, phrase or text

It encodes both semantic and contextual information

AI and LLMs enable the creation of embeddings with hundreds or even thousands of dimensions

Why is that cool?

Because we can do math with it!

Used in most cases: Cosine Distance

Cosine distance is defined as the distance of the angle between two vectors normalized to unit length, ranging from 0 to 2

  • 0 = Synonymous (the same)
  • 1 = Orthogonal (no relation)
  • 2 = Antonymous (the opposite)

the shortest distance win, we assume everything below 0.1 as a very very close match

In PHP we calculate it like this:

	function distance($a,$b):float
		return 1 - (dotp($a,$b) /
			sqrt(dotp($a,$a) * dotp($b,$b))
	// calculating the dot-product
	function dotp($a,$b):float
		$products = array_map(function($da, $db) {
			return $da * $db;
		}, $a, $b);
		return (float)array_sum($products);

This will produce a floating point number between 0 and 2

In our examples we use

  • OpenAI's embedding models
  • Model: text-embedding-ada-002
  • (Alternative: text-embedding-3-small)
  • Uses 1536 dimensions
  • Is normalized to unit length (ranged between -1 and 1)

How does such an embedding look like?

the word "Queen"

	... ,-0.011262931]

encoded in 1536 dimensions, capturing meaning, context and relations

How do I get an embedding in PHP?

composer req openai-php/client

function getEmbedding(string $text): array
	$client = OpenAI::client(getenv('OPENAIKEY'));
	$result = $client->embeddings()->create([
		'encoding_format'=> 'float',
	return $result->toArray()['data'][0]['embedding'];

Tip: cache the resulting embedding

Monarch + Woman = Queen

That's nerdy and cool, but what can we do with it?

Checking the quality of translations

$embedding = new Embedding();

$text1 = $argv[1];
$text2 = $argv[2];

$d1 = $embedding->calculateEmbedding($text1);
$d2 = $embedding->calculateEmbedding($text2);
$distance = $embedding->distance($d1, $d2);

$rating = $distance > 0.125 ? 'BAD' : 'GOOD';

printf("\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\nDistance: %s\n\nRating: %s\n\n",
						$text1, $text2, $distance, $rating);

0.125 is the threshold we defined for us

Normalize unformatted data

$embedding  = new Embedding();
$normalizeMe = $argv[1];

$dictionary  = $embedding->generateDictionary([
	'rock',	'paper', 'scissors', 'lizard', 'spock',
$distances = $embedding->calculateDistances(
	$embedding->calculateEmbedding( $normalizeMe ),
); // already sorted

printf('the Input "%s" is normalized to "%s"'."\n\n\n",

This way we can normalize random data and text to our domain.

What about BIAS?

$testBias = new Embedding();
$f_p = $testBias->calculateEmbedding( 'female profession');
$m_p = $testBias->calculateEmbedding( 'male profession');
$jobs = [
	'Nurse', // and more professions
foreach ($jobs as $job) {
	$j_e = $testBias->calculateEmbedding($job);
	$d1 = $testBias->distance( $j_e, $f_p );
	$d2 = $testBias->distance( $j_e, $m_p );
	printf("%s is a profession for %s.\n",
						$job, $d1 < $d2 ? 'WOMEN' : 'MEN');

Biases are inherent to all AI Models! It always depends on by who and how they are trained!


$em = new Embedding();
$theText = $argv[1];

[$keyword, $distance] = $em->getNearestNeighbour(
	$em->calculateEmbedding( $theText ),
		'truck','computer memory','sheep'

printf("\n\n\n".'"%s" probably is : %s'."\n\n\n",

Takeway: Models are trained by nerds!

Good thing: you can use embeddings to test the bias in your own models!

Statistical Analysis - Sentiment or emotion

$embedding = new Embedding();
$rateme     = $argv[1];
$distances = $embedding->calculateDistances(
	$embedding->calculateEmbedding( $rateme ),
	$embedding->generateDictionary( [
		'joy', 'sadness', 'anger', // ... 120 more emotions
$filtered  = array_filter( $distances, function ( $val ) {
	return $val < 0.25;

printf('The input "%s" carries the sentiments "%s"',
		$rateme, implode( ', ', array_keys( $filtered ) ) );

More fun things you can do with embeddings

checking the "mood" - this how Zoom knows how a conference call went

Input parser for spoken language

finding similar products (closest neighbour) - as an alternate recommendation based on loose couplings like the order history rather than keywords or categories

creating a search by "intention" not keyword
or a chat feature based on your database

How to store embeddings

  • Vector Databases
    • Qdrant
    • Azure Cognitive Search
    • Pinecone
    • Redis (redis-stack-server)
    • ...
  • Relational Databases
    • PostgreSQL (pgvector extension)
    • MySQL 9.0 (VECTOR datatype)
    • MariaDB 11.6-vector-preview
  • Filesystem Cache

Alternatives to OpenAI

Ollama has 3 embedding models available (Rest API)

Google Vertex-AI has 2 embedding models

Algorithm based models, like Tensorflow, Word2Vec, Bayes etc. pp.

Special Thanks go to

Barry Stahl - who gave me the insipiration and examples for this talk

SUDHAUS7 - for letting me abuse their OpenAI Key and paying for the time to research the whole topic

TYPO3 GmbH - for letting me on their stage to talk about this stuff - again!

What are your questions?

Thank you, I am here all week

Twitter: @FoppelFB | Mastodon: @foppel@phpc.social

fberger@sudhaus7.de | https://sudhaus7.de/